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Roundtable with Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, Italian Ambassador to Turkey

Roundtable with
Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo,
Italian Ambassador to Turkey
September 27, 2017


On September 27, 2017, Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, Ambassador of Italy to Ankara, addressed GRF and GRF community members at a roundtable meeting.

In his presentation, Ambassador Mattiolo noted that the world is facing the largest immigration crisis since the Second World War. He added that the problem of irregular migration is not limited to the crisis in Syria and that new regions, such as the Black Sea, now contribute to migration flows. Ambassador Mattiolo emphasized the importance of a burden sharing mechanism to fairly redistribute refugees. Finally, he drew a comparison between regular and irregular immigration, highlighting the former as an asset that should be encouraged to curb flows of irregular immigration. Following his speech, Ambassador Mattiolo answered the participants’ questions.